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USDA Organic Eaton Hemp Hearts Shelled Hemp Seeds, 16oz, 10g Complete Plant Protein & 12g Omegas per Serving, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Whole 30 Approved, Paleo & Keto Friendly

Nuts and Seeds

NATURE’S MOST COMPLETE PLANT PROTEIN: 10g per serving. Hemp hearts have all 20 amino acids, and each of the nine essential amino acids.
PACKED WITH OMEGA 3’S: 12g per serving. These Super Seeds are the only vegan food with the same omega 3:6 ratio as fish oil! Hemp has 6.2x the amount of Omegas than raw tuna.
FILLED WITH ESSENTIAL VITAMINS & MINERALS: Hemp is considered the most nutritionally complete food source in the world. Think of it as nature’s multivitamin. Hemp Hearts are an excellent source of Iron, Niacin, Thiamine, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc.